Who We Are
Chair - Heidi Lowe
Barry Dunkin
Denise Emery
Susan Heller
Heidi Nasstrom-Evans
Carole Somers
Steve Walker
Debora Hansen
Kassadi Williams
Tim Ritzert, Ex Officio
Janet Reeves, Park & Marina Manager, Ex Officio
Karin Bravin, Consulting Curator, BravinLee programs, NYC
What We Do
The mission of the Lewes Committee for Public Art is to integrate a wide range of contemporary original art into public spaces in and around the City of Lewes. We meet monthly on the third Wednesday (all are welcome to attend!  Check the City website for agendas).  We encourage you to come to us with ideas for art in the City's public spaces.  We will work with you to see if the art is aesthetically appropriate for the space and determine logistics and safety. The Committee strives to bring a sense of energy to the City by encouraging challenging and original work to challenge and stimulate local dialogue.  The committee shall promote visual arts to celebrate and/or frame spaces that are uniquely Lewes. Our mission shall be to raise the profile of Lewes as an arts destination.  The committee will ensure quality in our projects and promote art to engage all age groups. In the future we hope to commission a major piece of art, or perhaps a sculpture garden, that will contribute to Lewes as a desirable arts destination.

Do you have something you’d like to share? Contact us today.